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This steatite sculpture is popularly known as the "Priest King". It probably represents a person of very high rank judging from the elaborate clothing and ornamentation. The eyes originally contained shell inlay and would have been somewhat realistic in appearance. The robe may have been navy or green with trefoil patterns filled with red pigment with white borders. The back of the head was flattened, possibly in order to affix a horned headdress as a symbol of sacred authority.

Stone sculptures of other males
These sculptures have some formal similarities with the "Priest King" such as the way that the robe is worn with the right shoulder bare. They probably represent very important people or even deities. The seated posture with one knee raised may have been considered the most proper way of sitting during this period or it may have had symbolic significance.

The discovery of the figure of "Priest King" and a graphic reconstruction of the figure (courtesy of Professor Michael Jansen (RWTH, Aachen University))

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